What is Alimony?
Alimony is a court-ordered payment made by one spouse to the other following a divorce. The purpose of alimony is to provide financial support to the spouse who may be at a disadvantage after the divorce, such as the spouse who did not work outside the home or who has a lower earning potential. Alimony can be temporary or permanent, and the amount and duration of the payments are determined by the court based on factors such as the length of the marriage, the earning potential of each spouse, and the needs of each spouse.
Alimony And Spousal Support
This is money paid by one party to the other. Be aware that spousal support or alimony is not an entitlement, and the Virginia courts take several factors into consideration before awarding support. The court first considers whether the divorce is fault based or no-fault. The other factors the court takes into consideration are length of the marriage, standard of living during the marriage, age and physical and mental condition of the parties, the obligations, needs and financial resources of the parties, earning capacity, contributions of one party to the education, training, or career of the other; the marital property that the parties will receive, and property interests. This support may take the form of a lump sum payout; payments for an undetermined length of time; or payments for defined length of time, which may be used for education or training for the party to become self-sufficient.
Montgomery, Kelley, & Dennett in Hampton Roads, Virginia
Our law firm provides comprehensive legal services in a variety of key practice areas. With 76 years of combined legal service, the MKD team of lawyers are a powerhouse of experience and legal knowledge. Combined with our professional, courteous, and reliable support staff, we’re able to give you all the personal attention your legal matters deserve.
Here at Montgomery, Kelley & Dennett we pride ourselves on being a world class divorce attorney to each client we serve. We look forward to serving you and all your legal needs in Hampton Roads. Call Now! 757.229.8284