Category: DUI Attorney

DUI Statutes in Virginia

DUI Attorney

How Long Does a DUI Conviction Stay on Record? A DWI (Driving while intoxicated) or DUI (driving while under the influence) is a severe offense, so it is in your best interest to hire a DUI attorney in New Kent, Virginia. These offenses have serious consequences that can follow you for a long time even… Read more »

3 Steps to Assessing Your DUI Case

DUI Attorney

DUI Attorney in Hampton Virginia A DUI Attorney at Montgomery, Kelley, & Dennett in Hampton Virginia will handle your DUI charge with care. Although every case is different, most of them require a 3 step analysis: The Stop The Arrest The Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC THE STOP The first step that any good DUI attorney should… Read more »

Have You Been Charged With a DUI?

DUI Attorney

DUI Attorney in Yorktown Virginia Every year there are literally thousands of people arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol in the Greater Yorktown area. Quite often these individuals are otherwise fine, upstanding members of the community, who have never been in trouble in their life. Furthermore, the Commonwealth of Virginia has one of… Read more »

Stay Informed About DUI Laws

DUI Attorney

Knowledge is Power A DUI Attorney from Montgomery, Kelley, & Dennett believes that our expertise and compassion should reach beyond the walls of our law office. We want every citizen in New Kent, Virginia to stay up to date on the latest changes to DUI Laws and the penalties that will follow. Anyone who is… Read more »

Get Representation for your DUI

DUI Attorney

DUI Attorney James City County A DUI attorney is a lawyer who specializes in representing clients who have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. DUI attorneys are often experienced in handling cases involving drunk driving, and they may have a particular focus on issues related to sobriety tests, breathalyzer tests,… Read more »

Information about DUI laws

DUI Attorney

Attorneys Who Care! At Montgomery, Kelley, & Dennett we feel that everyone should be educated on current laws and any new laws that Virginia puts in place each year. Things like blood alcohol limit, distracted driving and new consequences for convictions are your right to know. If you have been issued a DUI violation, call… Read more »

Other Types of Impaired Driving

DUI Attorney

DUI Attorney in New Kent Virginia Drinking alcohol isn’t the only type of impairment that can kill someone. Driving under the influence of drugs is also severely risky. Illegal drugs can cause impairment similar to the effects caused by consuming alcohol. Someone who smokes marijuana or takes another illicit drug cannot always judge their impairment… Read more »

Impaired Driving Rates in Virginia

DUI Attorney

Impaired Driving is Negligent Automobile accidents are not always caused by the negligence of someone who is overly intoxicated. Some accidents are caused by someone who is slightly impaired. No matter the level of intoxication a driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can have a severe impact on someone’s life. Contact a DUI… Read more »

Underage Drinking and Driving in Virginia

Dui Attorney

DUI Rates in Yorktown Virginia  Virginia struggles with underage drinking and driving, as evidenced by the higher-than-average statistics for underage DUI fatalities. A dui attorney from Montgomery, Kelley & Dennett understands these statistics and are here to help you! Like other states, Virginia has a zero-tolerance law concerning anyone under 21 consuming alcohol and driving…. Read more »

DUI Statistics in Virginia

Criminal Defense Attorney

Drunk Driving Accidents from 1996 – 2021 Drunk driving accidents will involve more than one party and with varying factors which is why it is a good idea to hire a DUI attorney to represent you. The total number of alcohol-related fatalities in 1996 was 346. In recent years, the percentage of alcohol-related fatalities has… Read more »