Attorneys Who Care!
At Montgomery, Kelley, & Dennett we feel that everyone should be educated on current laws and any new laws that Virginia puts in place each year. Things like blood alcohol limit, distracted driving and new consequences for convictions are your right to know. If you have been issued a DUI violation, call a DUI attorney call us today to get the representation you deserve!
What is the blood alcohol percentage in Virginia?
The blood alcohol percentage in Virginia is .08 percent. All drivers with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent or higher are driving under the influence (DUI); even if drivers 21 and older are impaired with a BAC lower than . 08%, they also can be convicted of DUI. To put it simply do not drink and drive, don’t assume you are fit to drive even with a low BAC because you can still be convicted of DUI.
Distracted Driving Laws in Virginia
Since 2013 there has been a ban on all cellphone texting, emailing, or other forms of distracted driving statewide. Formerly, texting had been a secondary offense, meaning officers could cite offenders only if they were stopped for a superseding violation such as speeding or running a red light. Now, working a handheld device while driving means a $125 first-offense fine, up from its original amount of $20
Montgomery Kelley & Dennett are here to help!
Are you in need of a DUI Attorney to handle your existing conviction and live in Hampton Roads Virginia? At Montgomery, Kelley & Dennett we have decades of combined legal experience and will aggressively pursue your case.