DUI Attorney Williamsburg
A DUI (driving under the influence) attorney is a lawyer who specializes in representing clients who have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. DUI attorneys are often experienced in handling cases involving drunk driving, and they may have a particular focus on issues related to sobriety tests, breathalyzer tests, and other technical aspects of DUI cases. In addition to representing clients in court, DUI attorneys may also provide legal advice and representation in administrative proceedings related to DUI charges, such as hearings before the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Why Choose Montgomery, Kelley & Dennett?
Every year there are literally thousands of people arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol in the Greater Williamsburg area between Hampton and James City County / New Kent. Quite often these individuals are otherwise fine, upstanding members of the community, who have never been in trouble in their life.
Furthermore, the Commonwealth of Virginia has one of the toughest DUI laws in the United States. Mandatory jail sentences, license suspensions, and ignition interlock systems are just some of the possible consequences of a DUI conviction. Therefore, it is imperative that one arrested for DUI retain an experienced, aggressive attorney, one who understands the ins and outs of the potential legal and technical defenses that may be available.
Pat Kelley has been trying DUI cases since he joined the Williamsburg/James City County Commonwealth’s Attorney office since 1989. He understands that for many of his clients, facing a DUI charge is the most significant legal problem that the client has ever had to deal with. His experience as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney allows him to objectively analyze the facts in a particular case and determine the best course of action to take in representing his client.
Get The Representation You Deserve!
Here at Montgomery, Kelley & Dennett we pride ourselves on providing world class legal services to each client we serve. We look forward to serving you and all your
legal needs in the Williamsburg, James City, New Kent, Yorktown & Hampton areas. Call Now! 757.229.8284